Twenty Mile Travelogue

This weekend, two roads diverged in the woods and in true Frostian fashion we took the one less traveled by. That my friends, have made all the difference. Our almost neat apartment looks disbelievingly disheveled. Last night we had to excavate our bed from under a Vesuvian pile of laundry that had erupted over the […]

Fields of Summer

&copy deepti2004 Summer drips green, stains the crisp cottony children rushing in their impatient energy to futures beyond between the peeps of grass and the shades of sun how much longer till they lose their lithe little limbs and frolicky eyes? how much longer till they forget the green? (I took this photo yesterday evening(or […]

Long Ago, Faraway – Anniversary of Cab Ride

Wide eyed,I sat inside a yellow-cab ‘space ship’, enjoying its effortless sail up and down the humongous curves of concrete cats, which arched and stretched across an endless city. Before I knew it and much to my delight, our cab/cruiser glided up on one of the feline highway arches. Down below, I could make out […]